【同义词辨析】 2018-03-27 愤怒anger-wrath

anger: the most general term, names the emotional reaction, but in itself conveys nothing about intensity or justification or manifestation of the State: tried to hide his ~ at their behavior.

ire: more frequent in literary contexts, may suggest more intensity than anger, often with a display of feeling: cheeks flushed dark with ~.

rage: suggests loss of self-control from violence of emotion, often with an outward display: screaming with ~.

fury: implies overmastering destructive rage verging on madness: in her ~ she threw abuse in all directions.

indignation: stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean, outrageous or shameful: high-handed behavior that caused general ~.

wrath: is likely to suggest rage or indignation accompanied by a desire or intent to Avenge or punish: rose in his ~ andstruck his tormentor to the floor.

anger: 通用不论强弱是否合理是否表现出来,ire: 多用于文学, 更强一些, 常表现出来,rage: 愤怒到失去控制, 明显表现在外,fury: 压倒毁灭性愤怒,几近疯狂,indignation:对不公卑劣过分可耻言行的合理愤怒, wrath: 愤怒的同时想要报复惩罚

记忆方法:1)IF In WAR: 如果交战==>愤怒

          2)愤怒的意思是情绪激动非常不快mean emotional excitement caused by intense displeasure.